Transitioning Tips – Running in the Winter to Running in the Spring

We will be running from the frozen tundra to the blooming flowers. Running into warmer weather from here on out sounds pretty good. This means that if you made it through running in the winter you can expect your pace to increase slightly and distance to be greater without the fatigue feeling. Here are some simple tips to feel great running into warmer weather. If you hibernated all winter and now are ready to get back out there, we can help you too! 

If you plan on running before work or after work be sure to lightly layer your clothing. It will be chilly in the early morning and the temperature will drop once the sun begins to go down. Too many layers will leave you feeling hot and miserable. 

2. Road running
If you have been training on a treadmill during the colder months please realize this will not be a direct carryover to road surfaces. The surfaces are different for many reasons and your body will need some time to adjust to the uneven surfaces and change in pace. Be cognizant of slowly increasing your pace/distance and always listen to your body. 

3. Base strength
If you hibernated all winter, jumping back outdoors and trying to pick up your pace from the Fall can easily result in injury. Mobility in the lower half as well as increasing your strength and endurance will be vital to preventing injury when getting back out on the road. Core strengthening exercises such as planks and bridges are great starters to begin your cross training routine before racing out to the park. 

4. Hydration
During the winter months hydration is as important as the warmer months, however it is easier to forget about drinking fluids when it is colder. In colder temperatures you simply do not sweat the same amount you do in summer months; meaning the trigger for thirst is affected. Running in spring will feel like a transition from winter to summer thus hydration levels should be a focal point. A simple rule to follow is for every 20 minutes of running drink 4-6 oz of water (pace is slower than 8 minutes per mile) or drink 6-8 oz of water (pace faster than 8 minutes per mile). 

5. Cool down and warm-up
With the weather turning more favorable most runners will want to push themselves farther and farther. It is imperative to remember that just because the weather is nicer you should not neglect your warm up and cool down times. A proper dynamic warm up and cool down with static stretching is just as crucial in the colder winter months as it is in the beautiful spring. 

6. Rain
April showers bring May flowers. Waterproof outerwear is a must if planning on running far distances away from home and or shelter areas. Pop up showers are returning and you don’t want to be soaked! 

Contact us here at Base PT with any questions or concerns anytime! If you are planning on setting records all spring/summer please inquire about our running performance analysis utilizing an Alter G treadmill and Dorsa Vi motion analysis. Both tools can help you become a more efficient runner and focus your training regime on weaknesses.

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